We are all guilty of using artificial sweeteners. They are in numerous products we consume. Chewing gum, diet sodas, sugar free foods and snacks.
This article breaks down the various types of artificial sweeteners and what negative effects and consequences it has on the human body. Some are messing with your DNA, others are cytotoxic (can cause cancer), and others mess with your gut microbiome.
I really need to give up my gum chewing habit!
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
War on food
Bill Gates, raunchy rancher
The plan? slo-poison us!
Water poisoning
Not fast food, PFAS food:
War on poultry and cattle:
War on Pigs
No ham, bacon, sausages, pork ribs, chops and tenderloin
Pretty much 95% of what's on shelves in stores that is marketed as "food" is actually not food. It's all a GMO chemical shit storm by design bc the fascist food corporations take their orders from the globalists. If this is the first time you are being made aware of the facts, then you have been living under a rock for decades. The "food" is designed to make us all sick so HMOs & Big Pharma can continue to make trillions. They're in the business of creating and keeping customers. Healthy people are anathema to industries whose entire profit margin is based on keeping people ::SICK::