OK so if you read the past 2 days posts, and/or watched the video that the last 2 days posts were transcribed from, then surely you can put this together.
First, Fauci was behind the creation of the bioweapon spike protein known as SARS COV2. And the vaccine that contains that spike protein. The vaccine that intends to depopulate the world. Do you REALLY THINK he injected HIMSELF with the covid “vaccine”? Hell no he did not! Because if he is truly “covid vaccinated”, then it is because someone forced that spike protein into him without his consent. There is no way the tyrants would inject themselves with the weapon they created to try to depopulate everyone else.
Second. The Plaxovid rebound syndrome that we talked about in May…..where you allegedly have covid, take Plaxovid, feel better and test negative, and then you get rebound symptoms and test positive again. WHY would they have the poster child of covid vaccines have a Plaxovid failure? And advertise that to national media? Because lets be honest here……if he truly had covid and truly took Plaxovid and got sick a second time after Plaxovid, they would actually work harder to cover that up than announce it. Unless it was done for another reason, such as, oh maybe, that Pfizer announced an agreement to purchase another 150 million covid bioweapon vaccines to deploy this fall? If Plaxovid worked, that would lend to vaccine hesitancy now wouldn’t it? Hey, I don’t need ANOTHER booster, Plaxovid will work just fine. But if Plaxovid failed, and they sell the narrative that a booster vaccine will keep you with mild illness, and Plaxovid just landed you sick for 14 days…….well of COURSE the general public would rather get another booster and “not get as sick” than be down for 2 weeks with “covid” and Plaxovid rebound “covid”.
I would bet the farm that Fauci is not only NOT vaccinated, and never HAS been vaccinated, but he NEVER had covid, and NEVER took Plaxovid. That was all theatrics to usher in the next round of booster injections this fall. He isn’t going to bioweapon mutate his own DNA. And while we are on that topic, I would also bet the farm that most public figures and government officials who claim to be vaccinated are not themselves vaccinated. Trudeau? Newsom? Fauci? Obama? Pelosi? Clinton? And most notably this week double vaxxed and double boosted Biden announced he had covid too? Nope. A needle may have gone in their arm, but the contents were not a covid vaccine. We have already discussed in previous posts about saline injections by European pharma CEO’s and elites. Fake covid cards by others. The bioweapon wasn’t designed to be taken by THEM. It was intended for all of US. But they sufficiently sold the narrative that they are “just like us” and “we’re all in this together”. Except we aren’t.
I considered that Fauci's illness was a spoof, but thought that it may have been done to push Paxlovid to the masses.
Biden? Well I hope it's something harmful to the evil bastard.
Newsom appeared to have GBS after his dose, though I wouldn't discount it just being more theatrics.
I agree that the other major players are unlikely to have been properly jabbed, so maybe we can arrange for them all to have a proper full strength super effective dose, on camera, administered by a trustworthy doctor.