This is from a very good friend of mine. They fought hard to not get the covid vaccine. And decided moving forward they were not vaccinating their child any further. The child is in middle school. They took the time to discuss politely and professionally with the pediatric office and this was their reply. They fired this child as a patient.
Notice that no MD will stick their name on that letter……the “admin assistant” and “nurse administrator” are doing the dirty here. Who is the rest of the management staff?
It should be noted that Preferred Pediatrics is one of THE LARGEST pediatric groups in Kansas City. They are all over the metro. You know their stance now……their vaccine reimbursement dollars are more important to them than the wellbeing of your child. I hope Lisa and Leslie are proud of their signatures on this letter…..because someday they will have to defend their actions here.
While Childrens Mercy is busy firing patients for not getting vaccinated to line their pockets, they have no problem taking your money to gender transition your kid. Never forget. Never stop fighting.
A new nation is building from those that will not participate.
"They" still think "they" are in the majority.
"They" forget we do not live in a democracy.
"They" should be thankful we do not act like "they" did in the recent summers of "mostly peace".