The percentages he lists are EXCESS deaths in each category. 24% excess deaths in heart/brain/respiratory causes. Such as heart attack, strokes, blood clots, pneumonia. Kidney issues come in at 21% excess deaths. Cancer is coming in at an 8.6% excess deaths.
What does he mean by the PFE effect of diabetes and Alzheimer’s? During the last 4-5 years, so many older people have died prematurely, that those who would have died over the next 5-10 years died several years too early. That skews the numbers of expected deaths into those categories and makes them appear lower than they are.
This is not getting any better as time moves on post the initial vaccine launch.
If you were a mad scientist who wanted to kill vast numbers of people because you were in a cult and believed the world would end if you didn't and to hide your crime you wanted to somehow to make it look like they died of 'other causes' then these shots would truly represent the Eureka moment.
.... and like good drug dealers, doctors, PAs and drug companies are still pushing this poison. It has no benefit and the risks are laid out nicely in this post. Bobby has to clean house and in a hurry. These numbers are going to haunt us for generations. Let's never forget things like, "Kill all the unvaccinated", "Our Patience is Running Out", "Safe and Effective", "Make them hurt and they will drop their ideological BS", "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated", "Deny Healthcare to the Unvaccinated". Hard to feel sorry for the people that spoke those words or supported them. I still have zero trust for the healthcare system. The silver lining is that I take very good care of myself, diet and exercise ... you should too.