First off: highly recommend this article.
Literally provides links to every single article that discussed that masks were ineffective and at times harmful. Have a deep dive reading these. Then step back and ask yourself why we insisted on mask mandates. And when the time comes (closer to midterms I am sure) when they try to sell you on a mask mandate again, you will be armed with the knowledge to JUST SAY NO.
Moving on.
Alameda County, California. San Francisco area is experiencing a surge in covid cases. In a heavily vaccinated county. But whatever. Don’t look behind the curtain of vaccine failure. It’s time for MASKS TO COME BACK. Clown world.
The graphs below compare Alameda County’s seven-day average case rate from the past two months to rates in neighboring Contra Costa county. Contra Costa, in particular, is a natural comparisons to Alameda, because they have similar vaccination rates and demographic data. All data comes from the California Department of Public Health.’
‘San Francisco and Costa Contra county had higher case rates than Alameda County throughout the current surge, including pre-mask mandate. Once the mandate was introduced, the three counties all followed the same trend line, casting doubt on whether the mask mandate did anything to curb transmission at the community level.’
“Mask mandates may create a false sense of reassurance to those who truly need the extra protection,” Noble said in April.
The differences between Alameda and Contra Costa county are small, but important. One had a mask mandate and the other one did not. And the one WITH the mask mandate had HIGHER CASE COUNTS than the county who did NOT have a mask mandate in place. Hmmmm.
You can expect to see mask mandate discussions coming back in the media and local government. I am already seeing more people in masks here in Jackson County because the mainstream media is blathering that “we are in a moderate case count right now”. Employers going back to restricted in office days and more work from home days. And those that have not woken up to this utter garbage narrative are strapping those ol masks right back on. Not N95’s mind you. They dug their trusty cloth mask out of the bottom of their glovebox and slapped it back on. The only way this ends is when we say no more, we are done. The narrative will shift rapidly as we approach school starting again…..gotta get control in place before the midterm elections as well. Literally mimicking what they did with Delta last summer. Right on cue. July 4th and onward was when delta gripped the nation and led to mandates again. Buckle up kids, they will try to do it again.
If you are paying attention at all, you are seeing the propaganda fear of “rising cases”. The only way this ends is when we all say we are done and not doing this anymore. Never forget, the government works for US, not the other way around. As we head into local elections and midterms, remember to vote wisely for those who work FOR you, not AGAINST you.
Check out any of the #mask tweets. 90% hysterical support full of fear mongering, sadly many from health providers, some in science. I just cancelled my app because every day I have ridiculous notifications supporting climate agenda activists.
Climate change, BA.5, Return of mask mandates, vax propanganda, "new liberal world order" - all so appealing to liberal voters in Nov. Only cards they have to play. Can't cite any acheivements.
I see a person with a mask and I immediately think they are either non-informed or ready to knock off a c-store / bank.