An interesting article on the CPAP machine that was recalled. How many of these cancers were due to that machine?
I will readily admit I have a personal vested interest in this situation. My mom used this CPAP machine for a few years. She had a severe respiratory issue shortly before she discontinued the use of this machine. She was originally told her machine was not part of the recall, but it was later added to the recall list. It sits in her closet in a box. Philips didn’t even want it back. She did not get a new one. The issue was that the foam used to keep the machine “quieter” was breaking off into micro particles that were inhaled by people using the machine. The foam was also “gassing” off chemicals that people were breathing for 6-8 hours per night. Nothing good was happening from breathing these chemicals and foam pieces.
Reading through the stories of those who used the machine and are now dead from various cancers, it appears 2021 was a particularly lethal and nasty year. Maybe other things contributed to an already seeded issue from the CPAP machine? One can only guess.
Horror stories as a result of companies trying to help improve the lives of their consumers.
Sadly, my sense of surprise and shock are almost numb; they have been replaced by sarcasm against the promulgators and sadness for those affected. Those who care, like yourself must be increasingly horrified at the "unforeseen" side effects of treatments which promised results, but also caused issues.
At 66, I'm thankful to be blessed with good genes and great health; able to work a 40-hr week on my feet. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I was not blessed with an abundance of money, so It is unlikely I will ever retire.
I remind my doctor each time I see him that I am only interested in quality of life, not quantity, as I am not afraid of death. I have no wish to ingest drugs which promise unknown extension of life followed by additional drugs which must be given to mask the side effects of the other drugs Big Pharma wishes to sell me.
I am enjoying my health and strength and thank God for it each day until He calls me to Himself.
As difficult as it is, we must remain calm and continue to point to the truth of what has been done and what needs to be done going forward.
There is a Netflix documentary called The Bleeding Edge that goes over several medical devices that have caused great harm like this. One thing that was shocking was even when they did a recall years after women’s lives were ruined by a product to prevent pregnancy they still let the product be sold an additional year+. They don’t know how harmful products they put out are until they are in the market place and years go by of people being severely injured or killed. Most people just assume a doctor recommending a replacement or medical device means it is safe. And if insurance pays for it they don’t spend a lot of time making a decision.