Among pregnant women who received the covid shot, adverse events were statistically significant.
They can put lipstick on this turd as much as they want to…….but the data is in on covid vaccinating pregnant women.
And the verdict?
I have heard the anecdotal stories from labor and delivery nurses. Babies being born early due to shortened umbilical cords, poor placenta blood flow, placentas that “crumble” and disintegrate upon delivery, etc. We have seen the data from the nurse whistleblower about how many stillbirths and miscarriages were happening.
If you are a woman of childbearing age DO NOT GET A VACCINE. And if you are pregnant, don’t even pause when you say no to these things.
This would be the entire purpose of the shot. Destroy women's fertility, make female humans extinct and breed human babies according to the needs of the oligarchs. We can't have free women choosing their own partners according to their fitness and ability to provide can we?
Women's bodies are the battleground. Women have rarely had full bodily autonomy which is necessary for a healthy well-functioning society. Instead, we have women as chattel, breeders, servants, trophies, sex objects. Anything but full human beings with their own wants, desires, needs, aspirations, skills and talents.
The oligarchs - mostly male sociopaths - think they know what is best for all of us. They've been trying to engineer society for millennia. It cannot work because human beings are free souls. Thus, we're facing a complete collapse of planetary resources, social disintegration, environmental destruction on a scale impossible to fathom. All because a few men set up society according to what's best for them to retain power as they exploit everything and everyone to absolute exhaustion. This is not how nature works. Nature seeks balance.
Humanity evolved in egalitarian tribal communities with mothers and children at the centre. At some point our species (due to the influence of aliens?) went completely off course. We're now facing a hellscape of a future. All so a handful of men (aliens?) can impose their vision of a deeply stratified global social order where they have total control.
I have to believe that women, who love their children the most will soon rise up in unison to protect their sacred role as lifegivers and nurturers.
Too many people put their heads in the sand and it's a fatal mistake. Walmart advertises to get your flu shot and while you are there they push the RSV vaccines at the same time. Take them at the same time, ya right. One on my friends is very sick right now after getting both shots at the same visit. This is insane. I went out to their website to see if the RSV is a mRna vaccine and no where on their site does it tell you. People got to stop trusting these places like Walgreens and Walmart. My friends doctor immediately prescribed high dose prednisone for inflammation. The doctors know these shots are bad, but they are owned by BIG PHARM.