The article linked above discusses all the details. Definitely a necessary read.
On December 5th, around 3:15pm, this person posted this on X
He was posting his disdain for the lack of care he received. They never drew labs, no investigation other than blood pressure check and an EKG. He clearly states in his various replies that he was dizzy, sweaty, chest pains, and felt “off”.
He went home, posted about his lousy experience, and thought he was in the clear because his heart looked fine.
Sadly, he was dead 24 hours later. Of a ruptured aneurysm.
Had they drawn a basic set of labs, he may still be alive.
A troponin check would have also ruled out that he had a heart attack that the EKG showed to be normal when he went to the ER.
Why did this healthy man, in his late 30’s, die? Because healthcare failed to meet a basic level of triage expectation when someone presents with the symptoms he had. Period. Could he have ruptured the aneurysm and died anyways? Yes. But failure to gather ALL of the data through labs guaranteed his fate. He was lucky enough to have early warning symptoms, that he did NOT ignore, and sought help for.
While this happened in Canada, it is important to note that every person should heed the warning regardless of where you live. I have had too many to count patients that presented to the ER with cardiac symptoms and they were quickly dismissed as “anxiety”, when in reality they were having a heart attack. Advocate and refuse to leave if they are not thoroughly checking you out. Labs, vitals, EKG, all baseline mandatory. Ask to see your results. If something doesn’t pass the sniff test ask for further diagnostics. It may save your life.
I've had excellent care over the years but sadly, it's hit and miss for most people. I'm just an average 65 year old woman who's had breast cancer twice, multiple collisions, various typical health conditions, but I never had to wait months for tests, MRI or other services.
However, there are fewer and fewer doctors who truly care. Less and less quality hospital care. Our entire global medical system is collapsing from the weight of illness and aging, largely due to the toxic poisons we're all swimming in.
Sooner or later it was bound to catch up with us. The human body may be resilient, but not to the kind of daily assaults made on it today. Vaccines alone are responsible for massive adverse events in children and now adults.
Add to that the aging population and what we're now seeing is a medical system that is actively and blatantly killing people. They killed my younger sister and almost killed me has I said yes to the same treatment.
Spike protein.