Straight from RFK Jr. and The Childrens Health Defense……they were able to gather CDC data and analyze the general health of kids who received childhood vaccines, and those who did not. This slideshow is 74 slides…….every single one of them is worthy of reviewing. Sharing a few below. I recommend going to the link and looking at all of the data. This is profound.
This first slide is some of the original data that the powers at be decided to keep hidden back in the 90’s. This was the data they hid to skewer Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
The Gardasil shot…..that no kid needs…….
These two inflammatory bowel disorders are miserable. Having a family member with Crohn’s and a good friend with UC……and watching the misery they go through…..
They have sold every childbearing age and pregnant woman on the story that flu shots during pregnancy are safe…
Just in case we need a reminder where SIDS originates from……
For those of us who seem to get sick with “everything” in the winter “but I had my flu shot”……this one is for you…….I can testify to this one. I have had 2 flu shots in my life. Both winters I had flu shots, I did not catch the flu, but I was sick with every other kind of crud both winters. I also did not catch the flu in the winters where I was not flu vaxxed. I have had the flu twice in 47 years.
I guess this is one way to ensure that ENT’s stay busy with putting tubes in kids ears….and kids suffering with hearing loss and miserable pain with ear infections.
And it isn’t just kids. Look at what they have done to our military.
These are some really shocking statistics.
I was an enlisted aircrew member in the Air Force. This involved a lot of continuous training and other events to keep us qualified for world wide deployment at a moment's notice. As this was long ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth, we each received our monthly training requirements on a sheet of that green and white computer printer paper with the perforations on each end. I remember every year in the fall an event would appear as: MANDATORY FLU SHOT. It was unofficial policy that all of us would go to the shot clinic on a Friday when we weren't scheduled to fly the following Monday. This is because without fail we would all get sick for three days after getting the shot. We called this malady The Mandatory Flu. Even the Flight Docs called it that. We treated it as a joke because getting angry would do no good. I haven't taken the flu shot since leaving the Air Force. As such, I haven't had any cases of The Mandatory Flu. It is a wonder any of us survived long enough to retire. Oh, and they want us dead. (To keep retirement costs down)