A PERFECT example of pharma paying for a scientific journal.
OH this one is a doozy. Pfizer paid some good money for THIS to happen!!
Science Direct/Lancet journal article. In the hierarchy of “medical journals”, this ranks high in what we would call credible evidence based journals. So many who read this would go “oh hey, the booster is INCREDIBLE. The Lancet even says it is. This is even a clinical trial on the .gov page!
HOLD the train.
First, They are evaluating “emergency department admission” at Kaiser permanente hospital systems between 12-1-21 and 2-6-22. Chart reviews done retrospectively after patients visited the hospital ER. First off, they notate hospital admission and ER admission. I am not sure what an ER admit is……you either go to the ER and get treated or you don’t, so that should be an ER visit, not admission. But whatever. They “evaluated” efficacy of 2 covid vaccines versus booster for Omicron.
Interesting enough, they compared people who arrived at the ER with respiratory symptoms who had 2 vaccines 9+ months ago, versus recently boostered people. 11,123 charts were reviewed. Those who had 2 vaccines only had 41% less hospital admits, and 31% less ER admissions (again, what is an ER admit? How do you evaluate data between GOING to the ER and NOT going to the ER? There would be no hospital chart to even provide a statistic for?!). So lets just look at the hospital admitted data. So those with 2 vaccines had a 41% in hospital admission. But OH WAIT! Those with a BOOSTER had 85% LESS hospital admits, so long as the booster was within the last 3 months. Longer than 3 months since the booster? Well that number fell dramatically to 55% less likely to be hospital admitted.
Questions I have here. How many of those 11,123 charts were admitted to the hospital versus not admitted? How many people tested positive for covid? How many people were negative? How many people were 2x vax and sent home? 3x vax and sent home? NO vax and sent home versus admitted? Well. That gets interesting too.
First things first. PFIZER FUNDED THIS STUDY. Coincidental that the booster is supposedly magical at preventing hospital admission per this study? Nope. They are basically telling you “booster and avoid hospital admission”.
Second: In the findings and disclosures section, we see not only the Pfizer funding but ALL the conflicts of interest of various fundings and pharma companies that are paying MULTIPLE authors of this paper. Don’t think the results are biased? Haha.
Here really is the best part. Their data is not even presented based on findings. Who would bother to look at the graphics, right? We will just tell them some blah blah blah in the beginning, people will quote it and it will show GO GET A BOOSTER. Wanna see actual numbers for this “experiment” paid for by Pfizer?
So we start OUT with 16,000 charts of INPATIENTS in the hospital getting a covid test. 19,000 people who went to the ER and got a covid test. (Now we know what they mean by hospital admit versus ER admit. Their verbiage in the actual paper is deceptive at best). That is a lot of covid tests! But then they isolated OUT those who did not get diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Infections which eliminated 3/4 of those charts.
We are left with:
2326 Hospitalized patient covid + / 1326 Hospitalized covid -
6724 ER patients covid + / 2436 ER covid -
Out of the covid negatives:
369 were unvaxxed and in the hospital for other issues
694 unvaxxed tested negative in the ER
In the 2 dose covid negative group:
483 were covid negative in the hospital
1042 were covid negative in the ER
In the 3 dose covid negative group:
474 were covid negative in the hospital
700 were covid negative in the ER
OK……How do you validate that 3 vaccines were better here? There were MORE covid negative tests in the 2 dose group! Those testing negative in the hospital were the same!
Out of the covid positives:
647 were positive for delta/1302 positive for Omicron AS INPATIENTS
2191 were ER positive delta/ 3221 positive for Omicron in ER.
Hospitalized unvaxxed: 476 had delta, 804 had omicron
ER Unvaxxed: 1272 had Delta, 1550 had Omicron
Among the 2 doses:
Hospital: 123 delta, 364 delta
ER: 731 Delta, 1238 Omicron
Among the 3 doses:
Hospital: 48 delta, 134 Omicron
ER: 188 Delta, 433 Omicron
What I want to know is this: how did a hospitalized patient test differently than the ER? Did they contract covid IN the hospital?!? Because nearly every inpatient admit comes THROUGH the ER, and would be covid tested. Are there duplicate tests noted here? Tested positive in ER and again on the hospital floor?
Also, the 11,000+ data points is misleading. We are looking at close to 40,000 total charts audited, we are left with 9,050 total charts that were COVID POSITIVE. Highly suspect that there was double testing between ER and inpatient. A test may have been done in ER, but did not hit the patients chart until they were admitted and was double counted. Or a test done twice due to results from ER not being in the chart.
These numbers do not even add up to what they are trying to say in the study. Where is the post 3 months booster vax data? They don’t even include it!!!! It is buried in the teeny tiny data table. Probably because their 3 shot booster suggestion does not have data to support it. This vaxxed with a booster less than 3 months ago had higher delta and omicron positivity than the boosted greater than 3 months ago.
And THIS paper is the perfect example of a false narrative paid for by Pfizer. None of these writers would ever throw their money maker under the bus. Anyone with financial interest to this
How many tens of thousands of dollars did ol Pfizer/BioNTech pay for this hogwash?