Physicians began noticing this “weird” neurological problems in Canadians back in 2015. “Neurological symptoms like hallucinations, muscle wasting, vision problems, memory loss, and abnormal movements were seen in 2015 in a small cluster of patients, eventually growing to 48 cases.”
And guess what? This problem has returned. With a vengeance. “I am particularly concerned about the increase in numbers of young-onset and early-onset neurological syndrome,” neurologist Dr. Alier Marrero wrote in a Jan. 30, 2023, letter to New Brunswick’s chief medical officer and the chief federal public health officer. “Over the past year, I have been following 147 cases, between the ages of 17 and 80 years old. Out of those, 57 are early-onset cases and 41 are young-onset cases,” the letter from Marrero said, according to the Toronto Star. As of 2021, there were nine deaths attributed to the mysterious illness, the Daily Mail reported.
From January 2022-January 2023, there were 147 cases. This pales in comparison to the 48 cases that occurred over a few years in 2015. They were attributing the cause to glyphosate, the toxin found in Round-Up herbicide/pesticide. But a government investigation, which was considering environmental toxins as a cause, abruptly shut down in 2021. So what is the cause for the newest 147 cases and counting? If the entity that blamed environmental causes shut down and never labeled the glyphosate as the cause, what IS the cause of this NEW and SUDDEN explosion in cases?
Hmmm. I bet we all have a few ideas. It might rhyme with Maxine.
The brain disorder started with the mainstream media, social media, government, corporations, and Hollywood getting people to drink the KoolAid and take the shots at the same time.
So many mysteries, coincidences and sudden disabilities and deaths the past 2 years. For no explainable reason. What in the world is going on? 🤔