The Midwestern Doctor brings the receipts every single time. This is a must read post of his.
Moderna was vaccinating with doses 3x higher than Pfizer, and as their data comes out, we are seeing more and more issues with these toxic doses of modRNA in the Moderna Vaccine.
They lied. They used doses far higher than ever deemed necessary. They have blood on their hands.
You can see this anecdotally too. I work with a small group of people that all got vaccinated repeatedly and they talked about which brand back in spring 2021 for the first two doses and their first boosters in fall 2021. All opted for mRNA, none went J&J. The two that took Moderna have had VAIDS for years. Always sick, coughing, with all kinds of respiratory illnesses chronically. One also spoke of far more downtime needed to recover after the injections and his armpit swelled up to the size of a golf ball after the booster. The Pfizer people are not without issues, they seemed to have issues that appeared shortly after different shots like bloody eyes (2), shingles, a kidney issue, etc. They’ve all had covid repeatedly. And who knows what else they have going on, it isn’t like people share all their issues. But they buy into the BS that the shot stops hospitalization or whatever nonsense they try to convince you to continue year four of boosters. Hence Fauci is back out telling us how he had covid again even though he masks and is boosted 6 times (yeah right). The fall propaganda get your new booster program kicked off again!
This is why legitimate testing and development take years.
One thing that has immutably burned into my brain because of what I experienced from the Covid insanity (and it continues to this day and beyond), is that, since most seem unwilling or are actually incapable of critical thinking, they automatically jump to the conclusion, or having none, create a conclusion, and simply ignore any and all evidence which might conflict with their conclusion.
This is referred to as a "World View".
Your World View determines the parameters of your thought.
Everyone has a World View, even those with "open minds" (whom I have found are generally the most restrictive minds in the universe).
If your parameters do not accept the inputs, the inputs are rejected as mis-, dis-, mal-information.
For example: My World View begins with Genesis 1:1 and continues. Any input will be explained on the basis of my World View.
If your World View rejects Genesis 1:1 and following, it will be impossible for you to reconcile your views with mine.
My World View explains yours. Yours cannot accept mine.
It is impossible for you to place mine inside yours.
This, in a nutshell, is why the "vaccine" insanity has come so far, and why it refuses to die.
Thank you, Jennifer for bringing the receipts, which is my first marker on the road to Truth.