This one is worth the read. The truth shall set you free. Print this baby off and share it with any nit wit that tries to force a kid to be vaccinated. Force them to answer questions.
They reviewed 47,155 nine-year-old children’s claim data. That is A LOT of kids, large sample size. And these are insurance claim records, NOT medical records, so this is data submitted to insurance. (Also a great example of how much your insurance company knows about you that you do not realize).
Findings: 1) vaccination was associated with significantly increased odds for all measured neurodevelopmental disorders
2) among children born preterm and vaccinated, 39.9% were diagnosed with at least one NDD compared to 15.7% among those born preterm and unvaccinated
3) the relative risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) increased according to the number of visits that included vaccinations. Children with just one vaccination visit were 1.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with ASD than the unvaccinated whereas those with 11 or more visits were 4.4 times more likely to have been diagnosed with ASD than those with no visit for vaccination.
Large sample size. Large data gathered. These statistics cannot be ignored.
Thanks for this. I added this to my data base of vaccine studies.
I would wonder if the combination of several vaccines at one could exacerbate the issue also?
When I was young I only two that I remember but maybe three. They certainly weren't all at once.
I didn't have a flu shot until probably my 40s (and maybe 5 in my life, if that many) and one pneumonia only while I was doing chemo early 40s.
I'm not thrilled with most doctors, and try to eat decent and get exercise. I take supplements (I can actually feel the difference), don't drink much and don't smoke. So far so good. Only the one major issue. Hopefully, no more.
I don't understand the rush for so many vaccinations of kids. You'd think just the new issues of the last 25-30 years would be a big red flag?