Back in January 2023, there was a convention held in Washington state for people who were interested in discussing the pandemic, the effects of the pandemic response and treatment, and vaccines. Attendees were from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Stories included injuries and deaths from COVID shots and hospital protocols; careers upended and families torn apart by mandates; and numerous harms from closures of schools, businesses and churches.
Heart screening was available and conducted using multifunction cardiogram technology, or MCG, provided by HeartCARE Corp of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and in use since 1995, the MCG represents the most advanced non-invasive cardiac diagnostic method available. This type of testing would be similar to getting a community sponsored cholesterol screening, and you take those results to your provider for further diagnostics when something pops up as abnormal.
“At this Washington event, 30 people were given the MCG test. Over half of those tested (16 of 30 people) had positive markers for myocarditis. Two of these were active duty US Military pilots.”
“The MCG screening results observed in Wenatchee are consistent with national trends that show rates of myocarditis and death by heart attack have recently skyrocketed compared to pre-pandemic years.”
One of the speakers at the event was Brian McInnes, a local physician and endurance athlete who was diagnosed with a heart conduction abnormality following COVID vaccination. “There are many people like me, as you are hearing, that have experienced adverse health effects after COVID vaccination. And like me, most all of them have had any association of their health problem with the vaccine dismissed.” McInnes went on to say, “My first vaccine dose came from Pfizer Lot Number EK-9231. This lot is ranked number one for all Pfizer batches for adverse reactions, given right here in Wenatchee.” Dr. McInnes continued, “My second vaccine dose came from Pfizer Lot EN-5318. This lot is ranked number four of all lots for adverse reactions. These two vaccine batches alone are associated with a reported 252 deaths and many other illnesses and disabilities. And that’s just the VAERS data which is . . . quite underreported”.
The incidence of myocarditis is hypothetically very high, but remains undiagnosed due to asymptomatic disease. People seek care when they begin to notice something is wrong. Dr. Peter McCullough has stated several times that there are potentially hundreds of thousands to possibly millions of cases of asymptomatic undiagnosed myocarditis in the vaccinated population.
Thank you Jennifer. Excellent and very informative post. I am fortunate - no covid, no jabs. God bless the innocent people who were tricked into getting the shots. Have a great day. Peace. :-)
This scares the daylights out of me and I have thought about it almost every day since these vaccinations rolled out. ( many docs/researchers were predicting this problem specific to MRNA’s back in December 2020. )I worry that half the population are walking time bombs. My son is a first year resident and affiliated with a devout to the jabs academic teaching hospital system. It’s a no go topic between us. He knows but he does not want to know. That sort of thing. :-( I should add that I convinced my husband and one daughter not to get jabbed early on. My youngest college age daughter and my new to doctoring ( gotta stay in the club ) son chose not to hear me.