Did they predict that America would be intentionally ruined from within, after a stolen election and the installation of an illegitimate, dementia riddled pedophile, supported by transgender Marxists and an anti American government, also determined to bankrupt the Western world, while intentionally starting WW3 against multiple enemies?
Did they predict that America would be intentionally ruined from within, after a stolen election and the installation of an illegitimate, dementia riddled pedophile, supported by transgender Marxists and an anti American government, also determined to bankrupt the Western world, while intentionally starting WW3 against multiple enemies?
there is a book written back in pre-history that has and continues to be accurate in every prophetic prediction ...
to the chagrin of scientists, astrologists, and the like.
All the events have been proven with dates, names, and archeological data/evidence.
Sadly the book needs to be studied and researched by each individual for it proves itself...
...most persons are too lazy for such an endeavor...
Its a book of unlimited positivity...and warning...
-And all forms of self-empowerment...
Most mock and deride the information provided...
Sadly they are most often the ones who have not or refuse to read it! 🤣
Yet believe in space monsters, a flat earth, and voo doo
Instead of self-empowerment.