This story gained far more momentum than this girls family ever intended it to. Grinnell Kansas is about as rural America as you can get. Western Kansas is farm country, cattle and crops, deeply rooted in their Christian faith, and know hard work. These little towns have 500 or less residents, you can go for miles without seeing another person. Farmers wave at each other, congregate in church together weekly (unless its harvest, that is a free pass to stay in the field). Growing up in Kansas, I can imagine what this young lady was like. Raised by strong parents, active in 4H and FFA, follower of her Christian faith, and called to the nursing profession. Rural America truly is the salt of the earth people. They are not limelight seekers, they prefer to keep their heads down and do their work and raise a family. This isn’t the part of America that gives two hoots about the latest Louis Vuitton bag and Hollywood glamor. They pull calves in corrals full of mud and cow shit. They work dawn to dusk and roll in covered in dirt and grease from working the fields.
Here is the video her family played at her wake. What a beautiful young girl.
What happened to this girl, Regan, was the same thing that has happened to most of healthcare. She was a nursing student, worked as a CNA in a nursing home, and while SCHOOL did not require covid vaccines, the locations she did her clinicals at DID mandate the vaccine. It is a catch 22. Do you withdraw from school and forget becoming a nurse, or do you bow down to the hospital corruption regime and do as you are told so you can go to clinicals…….because without clinicals, you cannot graduate from nursing school. I would suspect her job at the nursing home also required the covid vaccine to work there.
Regan made her decision to keep her job/clinical rotation spot and got the omicron bivalent booster. 24 hours later, she was dead. She coded the day after her booster and collapsed, unresponsive. Areas this rural do not have level 1 trauma centers down the street, so she was taken to the closest one in Nebraska. She was put on all life saving measures, but recovery was not her fortunate path. Her family said goodbye to her.
Her mom posted about it on facebook. To share with their community and loved ones. Everyone knows everyone in rural Kansas. She mentioned that Regan had the booster the day before she coded. Her story has now gained national news. People have blamed the school, but they have come out and played a great game of cover their ass saying they do not require the vaccine, and while some clinical locations do require it, they try to accommodate clinical spots for those unvaccinated. But here is the reality of THAT. In nursing school, you have to rotate through ALL the specialities. Med surg, OB, critical care, ER, neurology, psych, peds, etc. It is nearly impossible to avoid a hospital for clinicals. You are not going to get critical care clinicals outside of a hospital. Or ER clinicals. So yes, they may have non-vax required clinical sites, if the student cannot complete the REQUIRED rotations in a non-vax mandated location, they are again left with 2 choices. Get the vax, or quit the program. Again, anecdotally, I have found few nursing students granted a religious or medical exemption. Employees have a decent shot getting one approved, but students are treated like the free labor they are. Disposable, disregarded, and as healthcare LOVES to flex their superiority and muscle, if she wanted her RN degree bad enough, “do as we say and get the poke”.
And now she is dead.
I have said all along that if I was required to get a covid injection, with no exemption approved, I would have left healthcare without a second thought. I am not risking my life to cower to the powers that be who want to run my life and healthcare choices. This nonsense will be the death knell for corporate healthcare. Every CEO who required a mandated injection and denied an exemption should face legal charges. And oh yes I am aware of the Biden CMS mandate. But each hospital and state could make their own decisions if they wanted to badly enough. Frankly, if enough hospitals stood up and said no, the mandate would have ended before it was implemented. Do not forget that. At the end of the day, government collusion and the profits from the government are what make them step in line and continue this carnage.
Rest In Peace Regan. You were such a young life ended too soon by the disgusting world we live in. I bet you would have become an amazing nurse. One that the entire profession would have been proud to have. I can only tell you I am sorry this happened to you. You deserved to graduate, pass your NCLEX, work as a nurse, meet a nice boy, get married, have babies……..and the disgusting corrupt industry you wanted to work in took your life. People like her are why I will never stop speaking out.
If there was any justice, those tyrants behind the mandates would be dragged out and hanged.
That includes the soiled diaper wearing imbecile at the top.
murder. it truly is murder