I fully expect this next round of voter registration data to be insanity at its finest. This is the final push to the 2020 election, where we all know that total hell broke loose. Notice in the weekly sheets how many LOW populated states (yeah I am looking at you Wyoming and South Dakota) that had high numbers of people registering. The numbers in Kansas are so statistically improbable that there are no words. Also, note below, that all of this data we have gone through the last few days is just Social Security Admin data where a voter registration did NOT HAVE A DRIVERS LICENSE, and they had to use the last 4 of their social to verify them. Which makes this data even more interesting in my opinion.
July 2020
1,315,770 voter applications submitted
315,565 applications came back NO MATCH
8,853 applications came back DECEASED
We still had numerous states “closed” and not reporting data. Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.
Honorable mentions:
Texas. Applications are still very high.
900,839 voter applications submitted
236,609 applications returned NO MATCH
2 applications came back as deceased.
Kansas. Still off the charts with dead people applying to vote.
82,531 voter applications submitted (this is horrifying.)
14,934 applications came back NO MATCH
7,584 applications came back DECEASED.
**this is absolute fraud happening here. Without a doubt. Kansas had DOUBLE the applications to register to vote than California did this month.
Missouri. Voter numbers are increasing, but their dead people registering to vote stays consistent
62,836 voter applications submitted
10,190 applications had NO MATCH
183 applications came back as DECEASED.
Illinois is similar to Missouri. Consistently getting 14k new applications each week, 150-200 are deceased.
Looking at swing states…..Most are AWFULLY quiet thus far. Arizona is getting 100-800 registrations per week, less than 5 were deceased, and application rejections were less than 250 for the month. Michigan reported nothing for two weeks of the month, with low numbers across the board for the first 2 weeks of the month. Georgia registering 400-700 per week, zero were deceased, and 15% were a no match. Pennsylvania was in the 2-4,000 per week registrations, less than 15% no match, and 0 deceased applicants.
Nevada has a really high NO MATCH rate.
7,336 total voter applications
5,715 applications came back NO MATCH
9 applicants were DECEASED.
Minnesota is starting to make noise. Their applications are going up fast.
37,132 total voter applications
2,857 applications were NO MATCH
0 were applicants that were deceased.
States where applications and rejections are fairly consistent but still have high numbers of deceased people applying to vote: Alabama and Oregon
August 2020
1,918,444 total voter applications
515,591 applications were NO MATCH
12,478 application were DECEASED.
Big big jump in numbers this month. Expected. Election is only 3 months away.
States that are still not submitting any data and “closed”:
Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Maine, NMew Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington state, West Virginia.
Honorable mention:
Alabama has had a HUGE uptick in people registering to vote. 6619 people submitted voter registration applications. 865 came back as NO MATCH. People applying to vote and deceased is 439. Their deceased applications have been high all year long. But total applications have jumped this month.
California applications are really popping now.
225,619 total voter applications
113,134 applications are NO MATCH
227 applicants are DECEASED.
*more than half of their applicants are not a match or deceased. And for reference, their population is 38 million people.
Kansas continues to REEK of bullshit.
161,698 total voter applications
45,693 applications were NO MATCH
10,618 applicants are DECEASED.
I really did not anticipate that one of the top 3 swampiest states in this data would be Kansas. They are on track to have their entire current state population registering to vote in 2020. This state of 2.9 million people had more than HALF of the same number of registrations as California, with 38 MILLION people. Uh huh. Right.
Missouri is still up to their registering dead people. 364 applicants were from people who were deceased.
Texas is still off the charts.
1,105,286 new voter applications.
276,428 applications marked as NO MATCH
0 applications were deceased people
Texas has a population of 29 million, for comparison purposes, and their applications are off the chart compared to the most populated state of California.
Swing states are still super quiet. Nothing anomalous going on. Does this make you wonder how many ballots are not registered or even attempted to be registered? I would expect a voter registration explosion if they really swung that many votes compared to 2016.
September 2020
*note, the data for week of Sept 26th is missing
1,523,945 total voter applications
435,220 applications were NO MATCH
8,317 applications were DECEASED
We are working with limited data since we are missing a week of data, but those are still impressive numbers.
States that are still not reporting any data: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington state, West Virginia. (Mississippi is new to the list this month)
Honorable mention:
Yup, it is STILL Kansas in the top spot, stinking like a rotten dead armadillo. (Those stink really bad just FYI).
96,280 total voter applications
27,477 voter applications were NO MATCH
6,504 voter applications were DECEASED.
New to the list, swing state Arizona.
78,900 total voter applications
50,723 voter applications were NO MATCH
181 voter applications were DECEASED.
Arizona had previously been within normal statistics and flying under the radar. That shifted in September. And we are missing a week of data.
Next up is California
194,211 total voter applications
103,291 voter applications were NO MATCH
128 applications were DECEASED.
Alabama deaths are still high, there were 303 applicants that were DECEASED.
Next up is Missouri
51,618 total voter applications
9,378 voter applications were NO MATCH
795 voter applicants were DECEASED.
721,101 total voter applications
173,280 applications were NO MATCH
31 applicants were DECEASED
October 2020
This month was the final push. The last month to get people registered for November 2020 elections. And the numbers do not disappoint.
2,454,218 total voter applications
608,171 voter applications were NO MATCH
15,656 voter applicants were DECEASED.
If you guessed KANSAS for the swamp award, you are correct.
184,174 total voter applications
51,048 voter applications were NO MATCH
12,725 voter applicants were DECEASED.
At this point, Kansas may have attempted to register more people this year than their entire state population. If there was one place to go dig on massive fraud, Kansas would be it.
Second place for swampiest of swamp is MISSOURI
95,980 total voter applications
21,441 applications were NO MATCH
728 applicants were DECEASED
Alabama still has high numbers of dead people trying to register, 480 deceased applicants.
Arizona moved back into normal territory, with the exception of week of October 17th where they had 15,971 registration applications, with every other week being in the 2-5,000 range.
States still NOT reporting any data: Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.
Florida had a big jump this month
57,673 total voter applications
12,745 voter applications were NO MATCH
24 voter applications were DECEASED.
The total applications jumped by more than 50%.
New Jersey jumped big time as well
242,633 total voter applications
48,470 applications were NO MATCH
120 applicants were DECEASED.
Texas is still at it with the massive registering machine:
714,291 total voter applications
134,268 applicants were NO MATCH
950 applicants were DECEASED.
**Texas shut off the pipeline the end of the month, they went from over 300k registrations in week 1 to only 7k by the end of the month.
The swing states? Still trending fairly normal. What does this hypothesize? The swing states didn’t try to register voters. They just ballot stuffed. States did not commit fraud uniformly. Some registered every thing they could, others just faked a bunch of ballots and shoved them into ballot boxes. We know this is fraudulent activity because the swing states had a TON of more voters in 2020 than 2016, but there was no data that shows a voter registration push. They just had fun printing lots of ballots. Or “adjudicating” ballots from registered voters to change them however they wanted to.
I went ahead and looked at November and December 2020, even though the election was over. Kansas continued to have off the charts numbers of people registering to vote, including dead people. Texas dropped like a rock and went back down into the 7,000 range per week.
A quick note about Kansas. I went back and tallied up all of 2020 for Kansas because they were so blatantly anomalous compared to other states. Here is what the totals say:
813,418 total registration attempts in KANSAS
214,495 attempts in KANSAS were NOT MATCHED to a person
66,151 attempts in KANSAS were DECEASED people.
If you are a Kansas resident reading this, I would be asking major questions of my election board, my state legislators, my county leaders, my local leaders, etc. because these numbers are deplorable.
I am in the UK and having watched the testimony of witnesses in various state legislatures, seen the video footage of multiple scans of the same ballot and boxes of ballots being pulled out from under the table, seen video of vans dropping off ballots in the early hours, watched 2000 mules, listened to True the Vote, read the confession article of what we had to do to save democracy in Time Magazine and more I am 100% convinced your election in 2020 was totally and completely rigged and yet some Americans seem to believe it wasn't.
For those of you who think Biden is NOT a shoe in ... think again. They are experts at cheating. Just because this registry points to millions of fraudulent voters, nothing is done about it. They should publish the address of each of these voters. I am guessing certain addresses would have 10's of thousands of registrations. The ballots are mailed to that address and then completed for the democrats and put into the drop boxes. All funded by the US government through NGOs.